The easiest and most effective way to custom tailor your boudoir session is to bring along props! This is one situation where it is so much fun to think outside of the boudie box!

His preferred team, your favorite hobby, or dressing up as a character from a show or movie you like to watch together. Sports boudoir sessions are very popular with the husbands and boyfriends.

The sky is the limit so don't be afraid to let your "geek flag fly" when you're picking out your outfits. I especially love this Harry Potter boudoir session and I'm psyched to be shooting a princess boudoir session early next year!

The most common boudoir theme is incorporating your man's work or dress shirt into your boudoir session. From the feedback I've gotten, it is ALWAYS his favorite!

I can't wait to see what you've got planned for YOUR boudoir session in Ogdensburg, NY! Grab your free Dream Shoot Planner today and start dreaming about your themed boudoir session!